If Bartleby were to have a Facebook his activity section would be very brief. It would include things such as how he enjoys hanging around the office mostly since it was his haven in the story. It would also include his favorite past time, staring at the wall. That was another thing mentioned in the story that Bartleby did often. He would be in no relationship simply because he would prefer not to. His favorite music would be jazz because it fits the office setting which he preferred. Bartleby would not have anything listed under his favorite T.V. shows because he would rather watch the wall. Under his favorite reading he would have anarchist cookbook. I think he would have this book because he seems like the quiet eccentric type that might be secretly making something diabolical. One of the groups he would be part of is the “I would prefer not to really be in this group but I am group.” Bartleby would be part of this group because in the group there would be people that share his common interest of not doing much. His wall would be rather empty since he wouldn’t have many friends. His only friends would be the people in his office. He would have thousands of pictures of him staring at different walls around the world.
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